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(24"x30") Acrylic, Spring 2024

Kids chasing Starlight.
The tickles in their ears, the twinkles in their eyes,
Glinting, glimmering sparks that leave marks on their skin.

As an adult, we live in a world where we are expected to constantly work hard. It’s driven and built into us like trauma, but as kids, we did not know that burden. We were blissfully unaware of the societal pressures and expectations that come with adulthood. Instead, our world revolves around exploration, curiosity, and play. Children are remarkably nonjudgmental when it comes to appearances. They don't have preconceived notions about what is considered beautiful or acceptable in terms of physical appearance. Their friendships are often formed based on simple criteria like shared interests, kindness, or proximity, rather than superficial attributes. In my Starlight series, I focus on specific features on the children’s faces, obnoxiously having them take up the canvas and be emphasized by twinkles and swirls.

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